Michael Buffer usually before some kind of contest whether it be boxing or a wrestling
match. It is a call of readiness before a battle. It’s a great question for us as followers of
Jesus. Are we ready for battle each day as the enemy tries to direct us away from God,
not to him. That is why Ephesians 6:15 says we are to stand firm, “With your feet fitted
with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” In whatever situation you find
yourself are you ready to approach it with God’s peace, a peace that passes all
understanding? The sandals/shoes of peace get us ready for what the enemy has and
gives us balance and allows us to be grounded in a way to respond in peace and love
and not give into what the enemy is tempting us with. When you are confronted, is your
first instinct to respond peacefully or do you tend to respond aggressively? The peace
we have comes from the promises that Jeus gives us through God’s Word. When the
enemy wants to rumble, make sure you are ready with God’s peace which comes from
reading and knowing His Word. Are you ready to rummmbbble in peace when the
enemy attacks?